Sunday, April 19, 2009

No Wonder They Like Jerry Lewis

I've held fast to my long standing belief that the French just suck. It's not a "Freedom Fries" thing either. No, it is much more a deep moral belief that they suck and they suck a lot. I'm not religious, mostly because I don't live in the Middle Ages and I am literate, but I have seen a Bible once, next to the "Koran in Korean" and I am sure it has something in there about smiting, fighting, or at the very least biting the French due to their universally acknowledged stupidity. If you need more proof ask Johnny, he did Sevec when he was a kid which is actually french for "Diddled by Older French Canadian Priests" and he still went OR you can watch this video. French... the only thing they ever did right was mustard, but not that Dijon shit. Just French's. Sweet French's.