Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
School Boy Crushes
No people, not a crush on school boys but when you were a school boy who did you have a crush on?
I think I'm not the only one to pitch a tents in my pants for this little robotic number
MMMM Sweet sweet circuits.
I'm older now though so ...
enjoy this - gadfly
Despite what I refer to as my "false Positive" in the homosexuality world (AKA my crush on Scott Baio), For me, it was defiantly the sisters from Charles In Charge.
It seems I am not alone in this. While searching out the show's opening I came across this golden nugget: a three min compilation of Nicole Eggert and Josie Davis from the show.
-Rubber Boy
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Awards Show
On the Academy Awards last night... I can't believe I watched that crap, any way Will Smith, in a moment of awkwardness referenced this video "Boom Goes the Dynamite". Now it may suck to be known online for this display of a real big television "don't" but when a man in black gives you a shout out on a televised event on par with the SuperGayBowl then I guess it is all worth it.
Try to watch as long as you can, the pay off is at 230 or so.
There is quite a history to this little screw up.
Try to watch as long as you can, the pay off is at 230 or so.
There is quite a history to this little screw up.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Skate session without the skate.
Street skating without the skating part.
This vid felt exactly like a curb session or a set of stairs just without the skating.
This vid felt exactly like a curb session or a set of stairs just without the skating.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Ignorance defined
Ya know when you start talking to the TV because the stupidest shit you've ever seen is on... see if you can watch this without getting pissed.
I dare you... you can't do it.
I dare you... you can't do it.
Things are not that bad... are they?
As the economy continues crumble to on a global scale the Japanese have taken a subtle yet effective approach to letting us know we are all doomed without saying, "Hey, it's over! Why bother right?"
The Japanese finance minister, Shoichi Nakagawa at the G7 meet-up of guys who tanked the ill-fated system we once had got drunk and slurred his words at a presser on Monday.
The advice is sage indeed. Drink, drink, and drink more because the hangover hasn't even begun.
FYI, he says he had a cold and took some medicine on the plane resulting in his unusual behaviour. Oh and if watch the video it's soooo bad that it doesn't even sound like engrish!
The Japanese finance minister, Shoichi Nakagawa at the G7 meet-up of guys who tanked the ill-fated system we once had got drunk and slurred his words at a presser on Monday.
The advice is sage indeed. Drink, drink, and drink more because the hangover hasn't even begun.
FYI, he says he had a cold and took some medicine on the plane resulting in his unusual behaviour. Oh and if watch the video it's soooo bad that it doesn't even sound like engrish!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
This is the equivalent of being at an ATM when out of no where a huge shark attacks you. You'd just never expect it.
Friday, February 13, 2009
I wish I haz me a "Saturday Hat"
Sometimes life can get complicated. Sometimes you need something to get grounded, something to keep you going, you've left point A but point B sure seems like a long way away.
Sometimes you need a Saturday hat.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The loneliest guy in America.
He is known as "BigMastadon" on youtube and between this video and the videos in his "favorites" list, I assume this guy is the loneliest man in America.
Stephen King's Secret Acting Career
Mr. King
There is a lot we don't know about Stephen King. Specifically we don't know that he has a lucrative career as a background performer. I spotted him in the background during the climactic tournament scene of the Karate Kid. Spotting him has been the single most significant moment of my life.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Seriously?, seriously?
I really don't know how to prep you for this video. I started following R2D2 on twitter, he was following Darth Vader, I checked Darth out. Darth had this link up...
I'm now following Darth.
I'm now following Darth.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Posting on TFMR grinds to a hault due to absurd event
A ridiculous and nonsensical event has occurred. One so absurd that it has brought TFMR team to not be able to post humorous items (this point is sometimes debatable).
Our own Gadfly has used his questionable (at best) genes to impregnate a woman far out of his "league". How he managed to get her on a first date let alone have her agree to have a child with him is a mystery that several generations of Tiger Woods level philosophers could not decipher.
Athough the rest of the team is in shock that the human race will have to tolerate one more generation of trumped up intelligence claims, extremely bad humor, and weak excuses for excessive weight gain, congratulations are in order.
So to Chris and Amber congratz on the birth of Connor Dick Macarthur.
A ridiculous and nonsensical event has occurred. One so absurd that it has brought TFMR team to not be able to post humorous items (this point is sometimes debatable).
Our own Gadfly has used his questionable (at best) genes to impregnate a woman far out of his "league". How he managed to get her on a first date let alone have her agree to have a child with him is a mystery that several generations of Tiger Woods level philosophers could not decipher.
Athough the rest of the team is in shock that the human race will have to tolerate one more generation of trumped up intelligence claims, extremely bad humor, and weak excuses for excessive weight gain, congratulations are in order.
So to Chris and Amber congratz on the birth of Connor Dick Macarthur.

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Broadcast News (behind the scenes)
TFMR's very own Gadfly used to work in broadcast news and when you ask he'll tell you a million awesome stories about how things really work. He also has great slogans and sayings that industry types use like "if it bleeds it leads" and a million other ones I can't remember. But even with all that experience and knowledge he never told me about this:
Friday, February 6, 2009
Web stalking
Click the link below. Go ahead. Then type in that special someone's name and see what comes up. As far as web stalking goes this is site a cyber creep's best friend.
Road Sign Hacking (again)
Well, it looks like roadsign Hacking is catching on. Here are a few more pics floating around the internet super highway.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Actors Suck
Ok I'll admit it, when I first heard about the Christian Bale tape of him on a set gettin all ape shit at a DP for doing the DP's job I thought, ahhhh duhhh you're little bit of actingness will be useless if the lighting is wrong so WTF? Then I thought... WAIT!!!
Isn't this asshole dead?
Do they have a tape from beyond the boundry?
Sadly no. It was the other guy who died in that flick with the cape and the car, and that chick who was not hot AND in a hollywood big budget movie???
I think they call that Princess Leah Syndrome.
Nevertheless, it does illustrate a wonderful thing about the internets, even if something is news for that moment... and I think this just barely classifies as news, it can get turned around so fast and something good can come from something bad, it's called "Bale Out"
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Dr. Noorani
I went to see my new Dr. today. I love her. She is brown, an Indian lady from Pakistan.
She told me it is OK to drink 14 beers/week.
Previously, I thought the rule was 8-10.
Just by making a trip to see her I have gained 4-6 beers/week.
Which means I'm only 12 over budget... but still, I really love my new Dr.
She told me it is OK to drink 14 beers/week.
Previously, I thought the rule was 8-10.
Just by making a trip to see her I have gained 4-6 beers/week.
Which means I'm only 12 over budget... but still, I really love my new Dr.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Uni-brows are not a Crime
Skate Boarders have an amazing ability to see the world creatively.
Monkeys have an amazing ability to see a banana.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Korean Art VS Mother Nature
Tarsier Skull
We've all fallen in love with Hyungkoo Lee's awesome Loony Tune Skeletons. They are amazing and if you haven't already seen them you should CLICK THIS HIGHLIGHTED TEXT.
But today I stumbled onto a picture of a Tarsier Skull and all I could think was, Hyungkoo Lee is bad ass but he ain't got shit on Momma Nature.
And even better I found a site that sell's reproductions of the skulls so I don't have to go to Southeast Asian, catch one, kill it, burry it for six weeks and then dig it up. I can order one for $80 from HERE
Here are some of Lee's work:
Tom from Tom and Jerry
Bonus Tarsier eating video. Too cute not to post.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Friends Forever.
I lifted this from these cool people: LINK
I have no idea who made it or where it comes from but it is amazing.
If you have any info PLEASE comment.
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